September 14th meeting

Please join me in welcoming Mario K5NKK who has connected his repeater to Texas SADRC. Frequency: 444.025City: Live Oak, TX (near I35 and 1604) San Antonio areaRange: Approximately 15 miles mobile coverage Mario’s repeater in addition to fixed and mobile coverage provides much needed HT coverage in…
Thanks to John Douglas W5NZK who ran our JOTA event at McGimsey Scout Park here in San Antonio. John spent countless hours to make this a rewarding event for everyone involved. There were several volunteers who operated HF on 40, 20, and 10 Meters I would also like to recognize everyone who took time to make…
Please join me in welcoming Tommy W5AMG to SADRC. Repeater: 444.250 City: Sun City (Georgetown area)Range: Approximately 25 miles mobile coverage We’ve known Tommy for several years and he has a lot of experience with Fusion and repeaters in general. We welcome tommy’s knowledge and comradery to our group.
Note Location! Randy Thomas will give a presentation on MARS radio