

Article 1 – Purpose of Membership

The purpose of the San Antonio Digital Radio Club (SADRC) is to promote Amateur Radio as a worthwhile hobby, to promote the advancement of technical competence and operator skills in the art of Amateur Radio, and to serve the community by providing public service, emergency communications, and other miscellaneous activities. We further encourage the use of available Amateur Radio Spectrum and to promote training and fellowship among licensed radio amateurs and persons interested in Amateur Radio (FCC Regulations Part 97.1) The name San Antonio Digital Radio Club will also be referred to as SADRC or the word Club for convenience in this document.

SADRC Pillars


SADRC is a non-religious, non- political organization. All persons interested in amateur radio communications, that is the Amateur Radio Service as defined by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Regulations 47 C.F.R Part 97.1 shall be eligible for membership.

ARTICLE II – Membership:

MEMBER – MEMBERS are those in good standing and hold a valid amateur radio license. A club application form must be completed and validation of your non-expired current Amateur Radio FCC license is required. The Club will use ARRL or the FCC database for validation. No membership fees are required.


a. MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING shall be entitled to be engaged in all club activities and including use of the repeater network; and use control commands consistent within the guidelines of the club’s rules

b. Club rules will be posted on the SADRC website at and will be the official site. We also post on Facebook under the name San Antonio Digital Radio Club for quick information to be communicated as a convenience to Webmaster and Club members.b.

MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL – All MEMBERS are required to renew each year to maintain Membership in Good Standing. Members who do not renew by January 31st of the current year shall forfeit their membership.

APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP: All applicants for membership shall submit an official SADRC application to the club. A valid Amateur Radio FCC license and call sign a is required to be a member. All perspective hams may join our meeting as a guest sponsored by another member upon request to an OFFICER/OWNER.

APPROVAL OF MEMBERS – The OFFICERS/OWNERS have the right of final approval of all applications, New and Renewal.

REGULAR MEETINGS – There shall be regular meetings held every quarter on 3rd Wednesday of the month at a time and place set by the President.

SPECIAL MEETINGS: Special meetings may be called by the President, a majority of the officers, or upon written request of 25% of the MEMBERS.


There are no membership dues to be a member.

ORDER OF BUSINESS: At each meeting, the order of business shall be as follows, except when by changed by the President or a quorum of the MEMBERS of the Board, Are:

A. Report of the President
B. Report of the Secretary
C. Report of Committees
D. Old Business
E. New Business

ARTICLE III – PROCEDURES: All meetings will be conducted using Robert’s Rules of Order as a guide.

Section 1. Officers: Officers of the organization shall be: President, Vice President, Membership Coordinator/Secretary, and Treasurer. All elected officer position shall be filled by members in good standing and licensed Amateur Radio Operators at the time of election.

ARTICLE IV – Term of Office – The Officers of the organization shall be permanent unless an Officer/Owner relinquishes his/her position or a motion by the Officers/Owners of 3/4th majority requests of a position change.


  1. President – The president shall preside at all meetings of the organization – documenting them according to the rules adopted by the Club, make appointments to Committees, and be responsible for the operation of the organization. He/she shall oversee all club activities and be responsible for all operations for the club and repeater network.
  2. Vice President –The Vice President shall assume the duties of the
    President he/she is absent and assist the President in the affairs of the CLUB. The Vice President shall lend assistance to the Membership Secretary.
  3. Membership Coordinator/Secretary The Recording Secretary shall
    keep minutes of all meetings as deemed necessary, maintain all correspondence for the CLUB, notify the membership of all communications to the CLUB, and oversee the Club Constitution and Bylaws, and have the same available for any inquires by the membership.
  4. The Membership Coordinator/ Secretary shall file an annual CLUB
    report Update reflecting new officers and activities of the club.

SADRC has a Facebook Page listed under San Antonio Digital Radio Club and a web page at

The Membership Coordinator/Recording Secretary shall be responsible to provide up to date information on both sites. The Membership Coordinator will provide this information to the “Webmaster” for posting on the both sites. This position will further provide upcoming Club events, membership meetings, or other club business.

The Membership Coordinator/Secretary shall keep of the records of Current members showing the start and due dates for continued membership.

The Membership Secretary shall make sure that each new member receives all necessary information about the club. Once the club website is built, all information will be on the website.

Treasure – The treasure shall develop an Annual Budget of projected operating costs for the Officers to maintain repeater equipment. No dues are required for membership and will be maintained by the Officers of the club. The treasurer will maintain all financial records and business of the club.

Non-Officer Position

Webmaster – The Webmaster will be appointed by the OFFICERS/OWNERS. This individual shall be responsible for maintaining, updating, and making addition the www.sadrc.-net web site including content pictures, links to other webs sites, and a calendar of events. The Webmaster shall maintain a Section on the web site about the SADRC repeaters and how to connect via YSF, FCS, and Wires X systems. Club rules will be established and approved by the OFFICERS/OWNERS before any content is released from the Webmaster.


Major decisions including the “Constitution,” “Bylaws,” and “Location of Repeaters,” will be made by OFFICER/OWNERS of the club. Voting on minor topics shall be brought before the general membership at a regular meeting and shall be determined by a majority of yea/nay votes or show of hands – whichever method the OFFICERS/OWNERS decide to use.

ARTICLE VII. Expulsion of Members

Any member may be expelled from the organization for misconduct by a vote of 3/4th by Officers/Owners of the club. The decision must be documented and decision of expulsion shall be made by infraction of FCC or Club rules. The meeting will take place after the membership has been sent notice stating that there is a motion on the floor to expel a member. This is considered a last resort depending upon the infraction. Any such motion must be brought to and reviewed by the OFFICERS/OWNERS If the member is expelled, it is expected that the former member will not be entitled to participate in club activities or utilize the clubs’ repeaters.

ARTICLE VIII – Rules, Regulations, and Management Oversight

Section 1. CONDUCT AND MANAGEMENT: The OFFICERS/OWNERS shall have the power to conduct and manage all of the affairs and business of the CLUB as prescribed in these BY-LAWS.

Section 2. RULES AND REGULATIONS: The OFFICERS/OWNERS shall have the power to make rules and regulations for the guidance and management of the affairs of the CLUB, not inconsistent with these BYLAWS. The BY-LAWS will be amended from time to time.

Section 3. CONTROL OF CONTRACTORS, EMPLOYEES: The OFFICER/OWNERS shall have the power to appoint and remove (with just cause) all contractors and employees of the CLUB, AND prescribe their duties.

Section 4. FISCAL CONTROL: The OFFICERS/OWNERS shall have the power to select one or more banks to act as a depository for the funds of the CLUB and to determine the manner of receiving, depositing, and disbursing same, consistent with these BY-LAWS and/or amendments.

Section 5. BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT: The OFFICERS/OWNERS shall have the power to provide and maintain suitable buildings and equipment for the conduct of the activities of the CLUB.

Section 6. MEMBERSHIP: The OFFICERS/OWNERS shall have the power to prescribe rules and regulations governing membership for the Club.

Section 7. APPROVAL OF EXPENSES: By majority vote, the OFFICERS/OWNERS shall have the power to approve the payment of reasonable expenses incurred by the officers of the CLUB in the performance of their duties.

Section 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The OFFICERS/OWNERS shall have the power to call an executive session, as per Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 9. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: No OFFICERS/OWNER or Member shall vote on a motion for which he/she may receive compensation.

Section 10. IMPLIED POWERS: The OFFICER/OWNER shall have the power to approve or perform such acts not expressly prohibited by these BY-LAWS and/or amendments.

ARTICLE IX – Role of Officers

Section 1. PRESIDENT: The President shall preside over all meetings of the members of the CLUB, call special meetings of the Club, perform all acts and duties usually performed by an executive and presiding officer, execute all contracts of the CLUB, sign all membership cards and certificates (said signing of membership cards and certificates may be delegated to the secretary), and other papers of the CLUB. The President may be authorized or directed to sign documents by the OFFICERS/OWNERS from time to time, as well as others provided by law. The President is the chief executive officer of the CLUB.

Section 2. VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, perform all duties of the President and/or other duties directed by the Board.

Section 3. SECRETARY/MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR: The Secretary/Membership Coordinator shall keep the minutes of the OFFICERS/OWNERS and Membership meetings. The Secretary in addition to the President/Vice President may sign all membership cards or certificates, as directed by the President. The Secretary shall serve all general notices required by these BY-LAWS, shall make a full report of all matters of business pertaining to the office to the members at regular and special meetings. The Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, a roster of all membership, containing the names, addresses and telephone numbers, alphabetically arranged, and in general shall perform all duties as may be directed by the Officers/Club.

Section 4. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities that the CLUB may hold in a fiduciary capacity, shall deposit all such funds in, the name of the CLUB in such bank or banks or depositories as shall be selected in accordance with the provision of the BY-LAWS and shall make a full report of all such matters of business pertaining to the office to the members at the regular and special meetings.

Section 5, TRUSTEE: The repeater Trustee will maintain the club license, (Pending as of this writing) and will serve as control operator for the SADRC repeaters and special event stations operating under this license. For this purpose, the Trustee should hold an Amateur Extra class license. The TRUSTEE shall also be the “Registered Agent” of the CLUB.

ARTICLE X – Unauthorized Users and Interference with our Repeaters

Willful and/or malicious interference with any repeater is a violation of federal law, punishable by fine, revocation of license, confiscation of equipment, and/or imprisonment in a federal penitentiary. This includes unidentified transmissions, playing music or other forms of broadcasting, talking to unlicensed scanner listeners keying down on a QSO, obscene language, and willful transmission of a falsified emergency call or using the repeater for any illegal use.

The FCC and the SADRC Club have considerable resources to track down and identify such interference. Users who monitor illegal activity are urged to make a note of the time, content, duration, radio ID, Call Sign, and coordinates. Document the heading and the input frequency (if available) and contact any club control operator or OFFICER/OWNER via telephone or alternate frequency.

Resist the understandable temptation to “key-down” on the offender. Not only is it illegal to do so, but it may hamper attempts to get a fixed location on the interfering signal. Do not acknowledge nor talk about the malicious interference while on club repeaters. If you must do so, then do it on the phone or another frequency.

ARTICLE XI – Grievance Committee

Section 1. GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE: The Grievance Committee shall consist of at least three (3) OFFICER/OWNERS and one Member and will be chaired by an Executive appointee. This committee will hear justified complaints against any Member, This committee will investigate complaints and make recommendations to the OFFICER/OWNERS for action.

Section 2. OTHER COMMITTEES: The President may, with approval of the OFFICERS/OWNERS, appoint other committees as may be deemed necessary to Conduct the affairs of the CLUB.

Section 3. The Board may designate the management of any properties of the CLUB to such committees as they see fit. All
committee chairmen and project managers are appointed and can be removed by the President, subject to confirmation by the OFFICERS/OWNERS Any Member of SADRC, in good standing, may serve on committees.

ARTICLE XII – Officer/Owner Internal Financial Transactions

Section 1. BANKING, CHECK WRITING, EXPENDITURES, AND ACCOUNTABILITY: All monies collected or received for the CLUB (No monies shall be excepted by members) shall be deposited as and when received in a bank or banks as selected by the OFFICERS/OWNERS, as prescribed by the BYLAWS. The Treasurer shall designate the account to which the disbursement is charged. Expenditure commitment involving financial obligation in excess of the cash fund of the CLUB on hand, will require approval of the OFFICERS/OWNERS. The EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP shall approve a set amount of money that the President shall be authorized to spend for miscellaneous expenses and for emergency repairs.


Section 1. AMENDMENT TO THE BY-LAWS: The BY-LAWS may be amended at communicated at regular and/or annual meetings. Members will be notified in advance, or intentions to amend, listing the proposed changes. A 3/4 vote by OWNERS/OFFICERS and a vote by show of hands YEA or NEA is requested is necessary to affirm changes. OFFICER/OWNERS reserve the right to make final decisions with strong consideration of a vote by members.

Section 2. PROCESS OF RATIFICATION: These Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed and new By-laws may be adopted by authority of 3/4th of the OFFICERS/OWNERS.

Section 3. THE BY-LAWS OF THE SADRC AND THEIR AMENDMENTS, respectively, shall take effect immediately upon adoption by the SADRC OFFICERS/OWNERS.

Section 4. FISCAL YEAR: The fiscal year of the CLUB shall run from January 1st to December 31st of each year.

XIV – Repeater Rules

Repeater operational rules shall be posted on the club’s website at as well as social media sites including to date Facebook listed under San Antonio Digital Radio Club.

Revision Date: 5/18/19